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Calculator Overview

FunctionCalc is a very simple calculator that provides some additional functionality making it extremely powerful and yet very easy to use.

The additional functions include:

  • Exchange rates for 171 currencies, updated every hour

  • Performs mathematic operations on time-formatted numbers such as "3:15" 

  • Direct conversions of units of measurements of categories such as currencies, weights, volumes, temperature etc.

  • Pre-programmed complex mathematical formulas with text prompts for easier data input 

  • Eight pre-set customizable buttons which allow one-tap access to the formulas and conversions you are currently using the most

  • Full-version, ad-free with nothing else to purchase!


Pre-Loaded Functions

There are many functions preloaded that allow you to directly convert from one unit to another from categories such as currencies, length/distance, temperature, volume etc.


The currency conversions are especially versatile as the 171 preloaded countries' exchange rates are updated every hour, so the app always has the most up-to-date exchange rates available while it has Internet connectivity.  If the app does not have access to the Internet, it will continue to provide currency conversions with the last downloaded rates. 


Likewise, there are several pre-programmed formulas available that will provide a calculated result based on the entries returned for the requested data.  For example, the Monthly Payment formula will display: "Enter the amount to be borrowed>", "Enter the length of Loan (Months)>", "Enter interest rate (APR)>". The resultant answer will then be displayed as "Payment = X.XX". The result may then be used, by pressing "USE" for additional calculations.


Exchange Rates

You may view all of the downloaded exchange rates in one place for easy access. These option to see the rates is located on the settings page.  The rates displayed will be as compared to the calculator's selected base currency.


The Base Country, which is the country's currency that all of the downloaded rates are referenced, may be changed at anytime to any one of the 171 currencies.


Calculate With
Time Formatted Numbers

Calculations may be made on time exclusively, where the result will be displayed as time (3:45 + 1:29 = 5:14).


Likewise, a time formatted number may also be used with a decimal number. The result will then be displayed in time format. For instance, calculating pay for a certain number of hours worked at given rate per hour (48:15 x 15 = 723:75). Any number may be converted rom time to decimal, and back again by long pressing the ":" button. 


Preset Buttons

The preset buttons make it easier and quicker to access the built-in functions, FunctionCalc has eight preset buttons that allow storage of often used functions and conversions for a one-tap operation.  These presets may be further customized on how the results should be rounded and how many digits after the decimal should be displayed. Functions may be assigned to preset buttons either from the main calculator display or in the app's settings.



How do I change the preset buttons?

Press and hold the preset button that you would like to change.  A screen will appear that will allow you to select a formula or a conversion.  After you've selected a formula or conversion, tap the button to store that function to the preset button.


How can I add a new formula or conversion to the app?

If you would like to add a specific formula or conversion that is not currently installed in the app, click the "Email The Developer" button below and submit your request.  We will try to implement your request in an upcoming update of the app.

Still have questions? Reach out and a member of our team will get back to you ASAP.

How do I report a bug with the app?

Feedback and bug reports are always welcome.  Please click the "Email The Developer" below to submit your report or feedback.


©2021 by Lawler Innovations, Inc.

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